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Norma o proyecto bajo la responsabilidad directa de ISO/TC 31/SC 4 Secretaría | Etapa | ICS |
Truck and bus tyres and rims (metric series) — Part 1: Tyres
95.99 | |
Truck and bus tyres and rims (metric series) — Part 1: Tyres
95.99 | |
Truck and bus tyres and rims (metric series) — Part 1: Tyres
95.99 | |
Truck and bus tyres and rims (metric series) — Part 1: Tyres
90.93 | |
Truck and bus tyres and rims (metric series) — Part 2: Rims
95.99 | |
Truck and bus tyres and rims (metric series) — Part 2: Rims
95.99 | |
Truck and bus tyres and rims (metric series) — Part 2: Rims
95.99 | |
Truck and bus tyres and rims (metric series) — Part 2: Rims
95.99 | |
Truck and bus tyres and rims (metric series) — Part 2: Rims
60.60 | |
Truck and bus tyres — Method of measuring tyre rolling circumference — Loaded new tyres
95.99 | |
Truck and bus tyres — Methods of measuring tyre rolling circumference — Loaded new tyres
90.93 | |
Truck and bus tyres — Methods of measuring rolling resistance
95.99 | |
Truck and bus tyres — Verifying tyre capabilities — Laboratory test methods
90.92 | |
Truck and bus tyres — Verifying tyre capabilities — Laboratory test methods
40.60 |
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