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Norma o proyecto bajo la responsabilidad directa de ISO/TC 334 Secretaría | Etapa | ICS |
Reference materials — Selected terms and definitions
90.92 | |
Reference materials — Contents of certificates, labels and accompanying documentation
95.99 | |
Reference materials — Good practice in using reference materials
95.99 | |
Reference materials — Guidance for characterization and assessment of homogeneity and stability
95.99 | |
Reference materials - Examples of reference materials for qualitative properties
90.93 | |
Guidance for the in-house preparation of quality control materials (QCMs)
95.99 | |
Reference materials — Guidance on, and keywords used for, RM categorization
90.93 | |
Global distribution of reference materials
90.93 | |
Reference materials — Establishing and expressing metrological traceability of quantity values assigned to reference materials
90.93 | |
Reference materials — Selected terms and definitions
30.98 | |
Reference materials — Selected terms and definitions
40.00 | |
Reference materials — Contents of certificates, labels and accompanying documentation
60.60 | |
Good practice in reference material preparation
60.60 | |
Reference materials — Requirements and recommendations for use
60.60 | |
Reference materials — Approaches for characterization and assessment of homogeneity and stability
60.60 | |
Approaches for the production of reference materials with qualitative properties
60.60 | |
Guidance for the production of pure organic substance certified reference materials
60.60 | |
Guidance for the production of pure inorganic substance certified reference materials
40.60 |
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