The Bureau Burundais de Normalisation et Contrôle de la Qualité (BBN) is an incorporated administrative public institution with financial and organizational autonomy. It is headquartered in Bujumbura.
Its aims are :
- to prepare draft national standards in cooperation with the technical committees;
- to promote quality management and quality assurance
- to contribute to finding appropriate technologies and to acquire for its own purposes and for the purposes of others all relevant documentation in the field of standardization and quality control;
- to establish and support any committees, commissions, laboratories or other services dealing with standardization in Burundi;
- to represent the national interests in foreign and international standards and quality control bodies;
- to take all action required to achieve the aims of standardization and quality control.
The Bureau comprises four technical divisions:
- The Standardization and Metrology Division
- The Laboratory and Inspection Body Certification, Accreditation and Supervision Division
- The Training and Technical Help to Companies Division
- The Standards Documentation Division.
Bureau Burundais de Normalisation et Contrôle de la Qualité
500 Boulevard de la Tanzanie
Quartier Industriel
Tel.: +257 22 22 18 15
Fax: +257 22 22 55 95
Correo electrónico:
Participación de PDC
Miembro observador