Reference number
ISO/TS 20612:2007
Technical Specification
ISO/TS 20612:2007
Water quality — Interlaboratory comparisons for proficiency testing of analytical chemistry laboratories
Edition 1
Technical Specification
ISO/TS 20612:2007
No disponible en español
Publicado (Edición 1, 2007)
Esta publicación se revisó y confirmó por última vez en 2021. Por lo tanto, esta versión es la actual.


ISO/TS 20612:2007 specifies the criteria related to proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparisons in the field of water, waste water and sludge analysis. In particular, it specifies the requirements in respect to proficiency test providers and to the design, execution and evaluation of laboratory proficiency comparisons.

ISO/TS 20612:2007 may be used if the determinands in the interlaboratory test may be regarded as capable of measurement with a certain degree of continuity. This is generally the case for chemical constituents and physicochemical determinands, but continuity does not always exist in the case of biological and/or microbiological determinands.

Informaciones generales

  •  : Publicado
     : 2007-12
    : Cierre de la revisión [90.60]
  •  : 1
     : 25
  • ISO/TC 147/SC 2
  • RSS actualizaciones

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