Reference number
ISO 10303-45:2019
International Standard
ISO 10303-45:2019
Industrial automation systems and integration — Product data representation and exchange — Part 45: Integrated generic resource: Material and other engineering properties
Edition 5
ISO 10303-45:2019
No disponible en español
Publicado (Edición 5, 2019)


ISO 10303-45:2019 specifies the integrated resource constructs for Material and other engineering properties.

ISO 10303-45 specifies the integrated generic resources to describe the values of the material and other engineering properties of products and the conditions in which these property values are valid. This part also includes the resource constructs for describing the composition of products. Property and composition values can be identified either as a numerical value or as a mathematical function. Numeric values and values as mathematical functions can be further characterized as to their type, precision and uncertainty.

Informaciones generales

  •  : Publicado
     : 2019-11
    : Cierre de la revisión [90.60]
  •  : 5
     : 11
  • ISO/TC 184/SC 4
  • RSS actualizaciones

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