International Standard
ISO/DIS 8501-3
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products — Visual assessment of surface cleanliness — Part 3: Preparation grades of welds, edges and other areas with surface imperfections
Reference number
ISO/DIS 8501-3
Edition 3
Proyecto Norma internacional
ISO/DIS 8501-3
No disponible en español
Este borrador de Norma Internacional se encuentra en la fase de consultas con los miembros de ISO.
Reemplazará ISO 8501-3:2006


This document exemplifies imperfections that reduce the longevity of a protective coating system if they are not remedied. The preparation grades given in this document have been selected to make steel with imperfections suitable for corrosion protection by paints and related products.

Informaciones generales

  •  : En desarrollo
    : Informe completo distribuido: DIS aprobado para su registro como FDIS [40.99]
  •  : 3
     : 12
  • ISO/TC 35/SC 12
  • RSS actualizaciones

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