Final Draft
International Standard
ISO/FDIS 4669-2
Document management — Information classification, marking and handling — Part 2: Functional and technical requirements for ICMH solutions
Reference number
ISO/FDIS 4669-2
Edition 1
Proyecto final Norma internacional
ISO/FDIS 4669-2
No disponible en español
Este borrador está en fase de aprobación.


ISO 4669 Document Management — Information specifies basic concepts and organizational needs to handle sensitive data. This second part would be complementary and defines functional and technical specifications of solutions addressing these needs. This document addresses solutions which manage and distribute content in digital format only, both inside and outside the organization owning the content. Two types of solutions will be covered: distribution of digital content to identified recipients, and distribution of credentials to access content stored on secured centralized systems. The distribution of content by means of physical media is excluded from the scope of the proposal (printed materials, hard copy, storage media…) Proposed outline (detailed in annex A): 1-Setting the context for the ICMH system 2-Content preparation (Information Assets) 3-Distribution – sharing 4-Rendering: operation on the workstation of authorized recipients 5-Traceability

Informaciones generales

  •  : En desarrollo
    : Envío de la prueba a la secretaría o inicio de la votación del FDIS: 8 semanas [50.20]
  •  : 1
     : 8
  • ISO/TC 171/SC 1
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