This document specifies the application module for Form feature in panel.
The following are within the scope of this document:
- features in sheet metal parts;
- items within the scope of application module Basic geometry, ISO/TS 10303-1652;
- items within the scope of application module Elemental topology, ISO/TS 10303-1005;
- items within the scope of application module Machining features, ISO/TS 10303-1814;
- items within the scope of application module Shape feature, ISO/TS 10303-1764;
- items within the scope of application module Value with unit extension, ISO/TS 10303-1753.
Informaciones generales
Estado: En desarrolloEtapa: CD aprobado para su registro como DIS [30.99]
Edición: 5
Comité Técnico :ISO/TC 184/SC 4
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PublicadoISO/TS 10303-1806:2024