Standards supporting gender equality promote fair policies, inclusive workplaces, and equitable access to opportunities. They help organizations comply with global best practices and harness the strengths of diverse, gender-balanced, and empowered teams.


Breaking barriers: gender-responsive standards for a more inclusive future

In a groundbreaking move towards inclusivity, ISO and IEC are developing gender-responsive standards (GRS) that specifically consider gender implications in their content, requirements and application. These standards recognize and respect physical differences and gender roles, ensuring that women and men benefit equally from any specified product, process, system or service. By considering physical, physiological, social and cultural dimensions, GRS aim to enhance safety and inclusivity for everyone. 

Les normes à l’appui d’une transformation technologique inclusive en matière de genre

L’avenir sera sans nul doute numérique, mais il est indispensable qu’il soit également plus inclusif. ONU-Femmes et l’ISO s’associent pour promouvoir un monde plus inclusif en matière de genre. 

Normes incontournables

Management des ressources humaines — Diversité et inclusion

Management des ressources humaines — Lignes directrices relatives au recrutement

Lignes directrices relatives à la promotion et à la mise en œuvre de l’égalité entre les femmes et les hommes et à l’empouvoirement des femmes

Women's entrepreneurship — Key definitions and general criteria

Geographic Information — Guidelines for incorporating gender sensitivity in geospatial standards

Health informatics — Sex and gender in electronic health records