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ISO/IEC AWI 19566-5
Technologies de l'information — Systèmes JPEG — Partie 5: Format universel de fichier de métadonnées pour JPEG (JUMBF)
Numéro de référence
ISO/IEC AWI 19566-5
Edition 3
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ISO/IEC AWI 19566-5
Rédaction en cours.
Remplacera ISO/IEC 19566-5:2023


This document describes the JPEG universal metadata box format (JUMBF), which provides a universal format to embed any type of metadata in any box-based JPEG file format. This document defines the syntax of the JUMBF box and the mechanism to assign specific content types. In particular, this document specifies XML, JSON, CBOR, Embedded File, codestream and UUID types. In addition, this document defines the syntax to reference or request the embedded metadata content within or outside the image.

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