Adventure is the spice of life and, when it comes to tourism, it can make for a memorable, rewarding experience. But it is not without its risks, so minimizing those risks is at the heart of several specific …
After the long winter, getting outside and moving around is a great way to stay healthy and enjoy the warmer weather. But summer is also peak time for outdoor sports injuries. Here’s how ISO’s technical …
We all know prevention is better than cure, so with the expansion of mobile apps and the rapidly evolving functionalities that they offer, our chances of improved health are looking stronger. But what …
Looking after our own and each other’s health and well-being has never been more important. Commuting remains an essential part of our everyday lives and offers us an efficient way to increase physical …
The Internet of Things has revolutionized our world by making everyday objects connected, intelligent and interactive. The Internet of Media Things allows media such as video and audio to join the party. …
Safety and security are vital to the enjoyment of any holiday or travel. So, it’s reassuring to know that ISO standards are working behind the scenes to prevent you from becoming a statistic.
Tourism is one of the fastest growing economic sectors in the world. That’s great for the tourism industry, but it also puts pressure on our planet’s resources. Well managed tourism, however, can help …
Adventure, responsible and green travel are reinventing the way communities, ecosystems and economies interact. We examine how ISO standards are supporting this trend.
Does having a disability mean that you can’t realize your dreams? Four-time Paralympic champion proves that the answer is a definitive “No” in this new ISO documentary.