Членство: Орган, являющийся членом
Bulgarian Institute for Standardization (BDS) is the national body in charge of the management of standardization activities in Bulgaria. According to the new Law on National Standardization (SG No 88/2005-11-04 to be enforced on 2006-05-05), BDS becomes a non profit non governmental association, operating in public interest.

BDS major functions are:
- responsibility for development of Bulgarian standards at national level and their adoption, approval, publication and distribution
- participation in the development of and voting on standards at European and international level, their implementation as Bulgarian standards, their publication and distribution.

BDS represents Bulgaria in international and regional standardization organizations. BDS promotes voluntary standardization in the Republic of Bulgaria towards assistance provision for further development and progress of the national economy, ensuring that products meet the essential health and safety requirements, supporting consumer protection activities and facilitating domestic and international trade.

Bulgarian Institute for Standardization

13 "Lachezar Stanchev" Street
"Izgrev" Complex
1797 Sofia

Тел.: +359 2 81 74 504
Факс: +359 2 81 74 535 / +359 2 87 35 597
E-mail: standards@bds-bg.org

Участие ТК

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Участие PDC

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