Mattel, the world’s largest toy maker, has been faced with some rough challenges due to safety scandals revolving around toy design and manufacturing in China. During August 2007 Mattel was forced to recall in extremis certain toys because they contained loose magnets and excess lead that posed immediate danger to the children who played with them. How did Mattel maintain its credibility and recover from the scandal while still keeping its #1 spot on the world market ?
Positive change
Our ISOfocus magazine, the publication providing all of the latest news and features from the world of International Standards, is now sporting a brand new design.
The theme of this "launch" issue is therefore extremely fitting: positive change. It reflects our move to become a bigger, bolder magazine. And what better time to do this than in the 100th issue!
Сентябрь/Октябрь 2013
Positive change
Our ISOfocus magazine, the publication providing all of the latest news from the world of International Standards, is now sporting a brand new design.
Полезная информация
Jacob Holmblad
Former ISO Vice-President (technical management), Jacob Holmblad knows the ins and outs of ISO, but a new position outside the standards business opened his eyes for the first time to how the world sees or rather does not see us.
What strikes me is that this daily discourse takes place outside the realm of standardization as we know it.
Jacob Holmblad
Также по этому вопросу
Об ISOfocus
Публикуемый на английском, французском и испанском языках 6 раз в год, ISOfocus является Вашим проводником в мире международных стандартов. Независимо от того, сталкиваются ли многонациональные предприятия с принятием жизненно важных решений или же это небольшой бизнес, находящийся в поиске идей, составители ISOfocus стараются рассмотреть потребности стратегического планирования и отразить все существенные детали.
Новинки ISO, Приложения
Ознакомьтесь с новыми стандартами и проектами, а также подпишитесь на них.