Bullet trains whisk passengers between city centres at speeds of 200 miles per hour or more. And their speed capabilities are only getting faster. This year's devastating crash of a high-speed train in Spain, which left nearly 80 dead, has drawn renewed attention to rail safety. It was preceded by another high-profile rail crash in Canada when an unmanned runaway train killed 40 people.
Hidden risk
Whether we like it or not, information has become one of the critical commodities in today’s fast-moving interconnected world.
Safeguarding our cyberspace is an urgent business issue and one that needs immediate and ongoing attention. In a number of cases, the right security measures can discourage expert hackers and beat opportunists.
This issue uncovers the hidden risks that threaten businesses of all sizes and provides security recommendations on how to protect against these threats. ISO/IEC 27001 is your first line of defense.
Ноябрь/Декабрь 2013
Hidden risk
This issue uncovers the hidden risks that threaten businesses of all sizes and provides security recommendations on how to protect against these threats.
Полезная информация
The new cyber warfare
ISO/IEC 27001 has become synonymous with information security. It has been an outstanding success in the business community, reaching out to provide protection and benefits to organizations across all sectors, regardless of size and nature of business.
Cyber security is not just an IT challenge, it is critical to the running of any business.
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Об ISOfocus
Публикуемый на английском, французском и испанском языках 6 раз в год, ISOfocus является Вашим проводником в мире международных стандартов. Независимо от того, сталкиваются ли многонациональные предприятия с принятием жизненно важных решений или же это небольшой бизнес, находящийся в поиске идей, составители ISOfocus стараются рассмотреть потребности стратегического планирования и отразить все существенные детали.
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