On 20 June 1929, by decision at the Government of the Republic, the Board of Weights and Measures was created. In 1971, this Board was transferred to the Turkmen Republic Office of State Standards.
In 1978, its name was changed to Turkmen Republic Centre for Standardization and Metrology.
The Major State Inspection of Turkmenistan (MSIT) was established on 7 January 1993, through a merger of the former Centre and the State Committee for Technical and Mining Inspection.
Finally, on 5 October 1999, the organization was renamed the Major State Inspection "Turkmenistandartlary".
Since 8 October 2000, it has been the Major State Service "Turkmenstandartlary".
The Major State Service "Turkmenstandartlary"
1995 str., Building-12
Ashgabat 744000
Tel: +993 12 49 58 59
Fax: +993 12 51 04 98
E-mail: ggikao@sanly.tm