ISO has recently published a three-part International Standard providing safety requirements for dry-cleaning machines.

ISO 8230-1 is applicable to dry-cleaning machines of all sizes intended for industrial and commercial use (not at the disposal of the general public) for the cleaning of articles made of textile, leather, furs and skins, using exclusively either perchloroethylene (ISO 8230:2008-2) or combustible solvent (ISO 8230:2008-3) as their cleaning medium.
Part 1 of ISO 8230, Common safety requirements, deals with all significant hazards arising from the use of dry-cleaning machine, both intended use and foreseeable abnormal situations, and includes commissioning, use and maintenance.
It covers mechanical, thermal, noise, vibration, electrical hazards or hazards related to emergency stop and lack of cooling, energy supply disconnection, failure of the power supply, loss of stability, etc.
Part 2, Machines using perchloroethylene, deals with the hazards specific to the use of perchloroethylene (PERC), the most commonly used dry-cleaning solvent, including inhalation of vapours, to perc contact with the skin or eyes of the machine operator and those of other personnel and members of the public, as well as to water and ground contamination.
Part 3, Machines using combustible solvents, deals with all significant hazards related to dry-cleaning machines and which require specific action by the designer or manufacturer to eliminate or reduce the risk.
Kurt Wacker, Chair of ISO technical committee ISO/TC 72 Textile machinery and accessories which elaborated ISO 8230:2008 observes: "ISO 8230:2008 will help dry-cleaning machine manufacturers to build safer machines and reduce exposure to dry-cleaning solvents and to implement a controlled approach involving engineering measures, work practices, and personal protection".
ISO 8230:2008, Safety requirements for dry-cleaning machines was developed by ISO/TC 72, Textile machinery and accessories, Subcommittee SC 5, Industrial laundry and dry-cleaning machinery and accessories.
It is available from ISO national member institutes (see the complet list with contact details). It may also be obtained directly from ISO Central Secretariat, price 120 Swiss francs (part 1), 48 Swiss francs (part 2), 64 Swiss francs (part 3), through the ISO Store or by contacting the Marketing & Communication department (see right-hand column).